Creating “Land” High Above the Kansas River

The new steel and concrete decks on the western truss extend 13 feet beyond the bridge for remarkable views of Strawberry Hill, and of the bridge itself. (Permanent railing to be installed later.

How do the Pieces Fit Together?

Two-story Entertainment District and a Public Crossing with Trailhead Services on the Central Truss. Click the image to zoom in on the details.

Biking and Walking Along our Big Rivers

Looking north along the Kansas Levee. Trails will link the new KC Current stadium on the MO River to the Rock Island Bridge on the KS River.
Photo by Nikki Overfelt Chifalu, Startland News (looking north from RIB)

Reactivating the Waterfront

Crew practice on the Kansas River.
(Photo by KC Boat Club)

Steel and Concrete

New “bridge land” as seen from a boat. |

Creating Spaces that are Artful and Cozy

Dan Gibson of LG Barcus & Sons, planning hospitality touches with noted designer John O’Brien.

RIB Built with Carnegie Steel

The fellas who built this bridge came to work on a horse!

Thanks to Our Bridge Supporters

Spike and Slice donors view the new "bridge land" high above the Kansas River.

A New Day for this Historic Bridge

Sunset behind the new event-space roof.

Watch this New Video!

Can a bridge become “land?” Watch now.