Exclusive Bridge Tours This Fall
Want to be among the first to tour the bridge? Follow us here and on Facebook/Instagram for your shot at a limited number of tickets for tours and events.
While all of the amenities won't be in place until spring, beginning this fall we will have new cantilevered decks off of both sides of the bridge, staircases to the top deck, and a full set of railings.
Major Stop on the Greenline
The Downtown Council is making the RIB an essential piece in its effort to loop downtown KCMO with a wide trail. They’re calling it the Greenline, and it’s inspired by other city-building trails such as the Atlanta Beltline.
The RIB will provide trailhead services such as public restrooms, water fountains and seating. It will also connect KCK to the Greenline.
Soon it will be possible to ride the levee top (minus a short notch at the confluence) from the Rock Island Bridge north to the Missouri River, then east to the new KC Current stadium. Taken together, these two developments are serving as bookends for the activation of KC’s big-river system.